Thursday, November 11, 2010

Free food for Veterans and Active Duty!

Check out this article for a list of places and dates(most are today) where Veterans can get free food. This also applies to active duty. So enjoy and thank you for all that you gave up or continue to give up to ensure that this world is a better place.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

The Ultimate Women's Show

Today I went to The Ultimate Women's Show and although it was smaller than I thought, it was very interesting. I found a great deal for my local newspaper "The Virginian Pilot" were I can get my sunday coupons for only $.77 a week. I am loving this. That is a lot of coupons for $.77, and you could purchase as many as you like. Maybe I should have bought more subscriptions, bought I only bought one. It's still a great deal! If you get a chance, call your local newspaper and see if they have a deal for coupon clippers. also check out "" for some great tips and workshops on coupons.

Have a great night! more to come soon :)